Understanding the risks of hot work
Hot work is an integral part of many construction or maintenance projects, and with it comes multiple hazards that need to be managed, so it’s important to be fully aware of the risks and your obligations.
Hot work is an integral part of many construction or maintenance projects, and with it comes multiple hazards that need to be managed, so it’s important to be fully aware of the risks and your obligations.
Construction sites continue to be targeted by criminals who recognise the financial value of plant machinery and equipment.
Such unpredictable and extreme weather prompts the recurring question, whether this will be a year where insurers see an overall increase in the number of subsidence claims reported to them.
When it comes to fraud affecting a business it’s a matter of ‘when’, rather than ‘if’. Fraudsters are increasingly inventive: your team could be targeted, your relationships could be used … even your online profile could be a risk.
For SMEs facing squeezed margins, insurance premiums may seem like a grudge purchase. Some products may be regarded as a discretionary overhead among those who don’t fully understand their risks or how being underinsured could prove catastrophic to their business. Yet insurance can be key to SMEs’ ongoing survival by providing a financial safety net in unforeseen circumstances, when they are the least able to withstand substantial losses.
Escape of Water (EOW) is a term used to define a water leak in a property. It usually occurs in instances where there is a catastrophic burst or slow leak from the plumbing or heating system involving pipes and joints, but also appliances or even faulty bathroom sealant.
While Manufacturing comprises just 5% of the UK’s businesses, it accounts for 10% of employment and 14% of turnover. Of the 270,000 firms that make up this diverse sector, just over half (138,050) are micro and SME manufacturers. Find some practical risk management advice for small and midsize manufacturing businesses:
Water leaks that go unchecked can cause thousands of pounds worth of damage and properties can take months to dry out before repairs can be completed. You may, therefore, need to relocate to alternative premises in order to continue to operate.
Many contracting businesses who do not specifically design anything for a fee will be unaware of the potential risks they may face in not carrying Professional Indemnity cover. In the increasingly litigious society we live in, where it would seem that everyone wants someone to blame, should you consider cover just to protect yourself if something goes wrong?
There are several factors that now make indexation more important than ever. One factor is the significant rise in demand for building materials, and disruption to the global supply chain caused by the pandemic and national lockdowns. Certain elements of Brexit and local shortages of suitable labour are also affecting rebuilding and claims costs.